It was a good thing that Chuma went to see the
vet. His sores were a serious infection. He got a
strong antibiotic injection on Tuesday and then had to go back on
Thursday. The antibiotic was working well, so he got another
injection and some pills to finish the job. Mama Jayden has
been getting lessons on how to hide pills in liver sausage since he
won't finish them before we leave. :) We were so thankful
that Dr. Ghalay was able to cut Chuma's nails! They really
needed to be cut before we leave because they grow quickly, but it
is usually a traumatic experience for everyone involved! It
is always a blessing to pray with Dr. Ghalay too! On Tuesday
she asked me to pray for three really sick dogs. When we went
back on Thursday one of them (Oscar) was there and the report was
good -- he was doing better. :)
Much of the week was spent on furlough preparations. Today I
had a very long list of things to do, but made great
progress! Tomorrow I will start packing. Rick will be
at the college so I will have more space to spread things out
as I organize things-- except of course for the space Panda needs
so he can supervise. :)
We were able to go to visit Jeremiah's family before prayer meeting
on Friday. We noticed groups of young people hanging out by
the main road as we drove in. It seemed to be more than just
the usual lazy hanging out. When we got to Jeremiah's house
we found out that the Deputy President (Vice President) who is a
presidential candidate was passing through after a campaign stop in
another town. We heard the vuvuzelas while we were enjoying
our tea. :) His timing was good because the crowd had cleared
before we needed to go over to church. :)
There have been a lot of "last" things this week.
Some things we won't miss so much, but others we really will!
I certainly will miss teaching the Sunday School kids! I
wasn't actually sure what I was going to do at the end of class
yesterday. I was kind of ignoring it and hoping it would go
away -- and it did! :) We were in the middle of a review
activity when Gideon came down to ask me to come up to the
church. Jane Njeri had raised her hand at the invitation
because she wanted to be saved. She is the older lady who
came for a few weeks with Waithera just before Waithera died.
Jane has been coming quite faithfully and even helps Mama Gladys
clean the church. As we talked I could tell that she has
really been paying careful attention in church and clearly
understood what the Bible teaches about salvation. There were
so many distractions! The lady she usually leaves with was
ready to go and wasn't sure why she was staying. She told
Jane she was ready to leave -- twice! Then people came kept
coming to ask questions or say good-bye! Lots of
distractions, but Jane refused to be distracted! :) It was
such a blessing to hear her pray a very clear and definite prayer
as she asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save her! What a
wonderful way to end our last service before furlough! :)
Trusting the LORD!
Love, Susan