Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 9:31 AM
Subject: Update from Julie Heisey on Pete


"I got a call from the doctor around 11 that I could come for Pete. Things went quite well, got there, called the doctor and he brought Pete down and Jonathan helped him to the car. The doctor gave me a list of instructions and medications and explained things simply and thoroughly. Thank you, Lord!

They took Pete off the Entresto because his blood pressure was going too low. So there are other things that can help. There is no more fluid in his heart or lungs so that's good news. He is VERY weak, tired and COLD. He described himself as 'kaput'!  He feels so lousy and keeps saying he wishes the rapture would happen. Gotta say I agree with him, that would be wonderful! But till then please keep praying for strength for us both and wisdom."