Happy New Year!
It was suggested to me that I write another daily devotional series for 2021. So, I am going to give it a try. This year we will do a series of devotionals based on the writings of the Apostle Paul. While the thoughts on Proverbs were mostly practical, the comments on Paul's writings will be a combination of practical, doctrinal and informational material. Sometimes we will go verse by verse, and sometimes we may jump around in a passage, or even spend a couple days on one verse. Probably over the year some topics will be repeated because Paul deals with them at various times in various books. I can't guarantee that I will get one sent out every day, but I will give it a try. As always, I hope this is a blessing to you, and that it helps you as you serve the Lord in 2021.
Pastor Mark J Montgomery
"Note: You will often find quotations from various preachers and authors in these devotionals. Please understand that the fact that I may quote someone does NOT mean that I agree with them on every point of doctrine, or that I am recommending them, or their books, or their ministry. All it means is that I think that what they wrote or said on that particular point is beneficial."