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Blessed be the Lord, who daily, loadeth us with
benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
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Ambassador Baptist Church
and the Coronavirus Situation

We at Ambassador Baptist Church understand the potentially serious nature of Covid-19, and it is our desire to do what is appropriate in these difficult times.

There are four different concepts that have factored into our decision making.
  1. We want to do our best to keep our church members and friends, as well as our community, safe and healthy (Galatians 6:10).
  2. We want to do our best to obey the dictates of our government, provided the edicts of the land do not violate the edicts of the Lord (Rom 13:1-2; Acts 4:19; 5:29).
  3. The local church is important to God, and should be to us as well (I Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 5:25).
  4. It is important for the church to offer both teaching and fellowship to it's members and the community, in spite of difficulties that may arise (Acts 2:42).
Therefore, Ambassador Baptist Church has made the following decisions.
  1. We are still open. We are considered to be a life-sustaining or essential business in Pennsylvania, so there is no issue with the Government in this regard.
  2. We are meeting all the regularly scheduled church services, and are having our Fellowship Lunch each week.
  3. Pastor Montgomery is still keeping the same basic office hours that he has kept in the past.
  4. All services are being made available online, and we encourage those who should stay at home to stay at home and participate with us online. These livestreams are done both through Google Meet and Facebook. Google Meet is by invitation only, so if you wish to participate that way you need to contact Pastor Montgomery and give him your email address so you can be sent an invitation. You can email him at ambassador.montgomery@gmail.com. If you can use Facebook, I would recommend that you watch the services that way. You may click here or if you prefer search Facebook for Ambassador Baptist Church Pittsburgh, two different Facebook sites come up. You want the one on Babcock Blvd. that has a photo of the Pittsburgh skyline at the top as well as a hand drawn picture of the church building on the left.
  5. WPTI courses are still being livestreamed online, and past courses are still available
  6. Hand sanitizer is available at the church door, as are vinyl gloves and Purell wipes.
  7. The church is being cleaned and sanitized by a professional cleaner.
  8. Social distancing is being practiced at all services. The church building is large enough to allow that to happen.
  9. Please use common sense in determining whether or not you should attend services at the church. If you are running a fever, or have other symptoms of Covid-19, please wait until your symptoms are gone before coming to the church. If you have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19, please use discretion about how long to wait before coming to the church.
  10. Our van ministry is now limited. We are no longer picking up men at the shelters because it is impossible for them to practice social distancing at the shelters, and equally impossible to protect them in the van where they would be forced to sit shoulder to shoulder with as many as ten men in there at once.
  11. We have been limited in some of our ministries. We are no longer preaching at the Rescue Mission on Saturday mornings, nor are we having services at Arden Courts or MeTowers. We will resume them as soon as the virus situation improves.
  12. We are encouraging our people to maintain contact with each other as best they can through phone calls, texts, emails, or any other means that are safe.
The verse that I have chosen to guide us through this time is Psalm 37:3
"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." May the Lord bless you as you trust Him and obey Him.
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Pastor's Pen Online

We have a New Daily Devotional for 2022:
"Pathways Through Paul, Vol 2"

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Current Prayer Letters & Updates
Listed Alphabetically

  • Hodsdon: Oct 2020
  • Peterson: Apr 2022
  • Rickard: Jan 2021
  • Shull: Feb 2022
  • Tessin: Spring 2022
  • Ports Around the World:

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    Listed Alphabetically

  • Hodnett: Winter 2022
  • Jones: Feb 2022
  • Klassen: Feb 2022
  • Knickerbocker, S: Feb 2022
  • Knickerbocker, T: Mar 2022
  • Medieros: Feb 2021
  • Meyer: Jan 2022
  • Neal: Winter 2021
  • Roberts: Feb 2022
  • Simonsen: Dec 2021
  • Simonsen Update: 03/20/22
  • Sue's News: 03/21/22
  • Stevens: Fall 2021
  • Valles: Mar 2022
  • Wright: Feb 2022

  • Doctrinal Writings:

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    Dr. Flanders
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    More Questions and Answers
    may be found at "Ask the Pastor"

    The Bible Plan of Salvation

    (How you can know from the Bible that you are going to Heaven)

    All Men Are Sinners

    No matter how moral a man may be, God's Word clearly says that he comes short of God's Righteousness.

    "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

    All Are Under the Penalty of Sin

    The ultimate penalty for sin is death, or separation from God forever in the lake of fire.

    "For the wages of sin is death...." Romans 6:23

    "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15

    Christ Died to Pay the Penalty For Sin

    God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to Die in your place on the cross. As your substitute, He took your penalty, your sin, and your Hell on Himself.

    "But God commended His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Romans 5:8

    Salvation is Offered Free

    Christ purchased salvation with His blood on the cross, and offers it as a free gift. A gift is not yours until you receive it.

    "... The gift of God is eternal life..." Romans 6:23

    Christ Must Be Received for Eternal Life

    "But as many as received him to them gave He power to become the sons of God..." John 1:12

    Behold, I stand at the door and knock, If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me." Revelation 3:20

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13

    If you will receive Christ by calling upon Him to come into your life and give you eternal life, believing that He will save you as the Bible says, Christ will come into your life at that very moment and save you. Just make that decision now, and call upon Christ, "Lord Jesus, I receive you now as my Savior, the one who died for all my sins; come into my heart and save me and give me eternal life. "

    The Final Steps

    After receiving Christ, you will want to take these steps to grow in Christ:
    1. Let us know, that we can rejoice with you, and offer further help.
    2. Publicly profess you faith in Christ at a Bible-believing church (Matthew 10:33)
    3. Pray and study God's Word (II Tim.2:15)
    4. Be immersed and join a Bible-believing church (Matthew 28:19,Acts 2:41).
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